
Covering farms
with solar panels

Accelerate global transition to renewable energy while capitalizing on your acres.

Our mission is to 100x the deployment of solar panels and create asolarpunkfuture by 2077.

We're here to support your solar ambitions.

From initial sketches to the growing pains of success, we've got you covered.

  • Reduces heat stress
  • Reduces evaporation

Microclimate Creation. Solar panels provide partial shade to the crops below, creating a microclimate that potentially extends growing seasons.

Up to160% Crop + Solarcompared to only growing crops

Dual Use. By installing solar panels above the crops, the same land can produce both food and energy, utilizing resources to their fullest potential.

Less paperwork

More action

Your farm is capable of so much more

Solar panels provide partial shade to the crops below, creating a microclimate that potentially extends growing seasons.

  • Reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Install solar panels to earn revenue from solar energy and reduce energy costs.

  • Benefit from government incentives, grants, and tax credits for renewable energy projects.

Become a solarpunk and enhance existing farmland with solar energy without sacrificing arable land.

Discover your farm's full potential

Transform your fields with solar technology, fostering a thriving environment that supports longer and healthier crop cycles.


We will help you understand what type of Agrivoltaic project is right for you and what type of regulatory hurdles you will face. While we primarily focus on agrivoltaics, we also offer solar deployments for any non-agricultural land except residential roofs.

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Deploy solar installations with Solarpunk in weeks, not years

We will help you understand what type of Agrivoltaic project is right for you and what type of regulatory hurdles you will face.

Get started

Not interested in agrivoltaics?

We also help with open space solar deployment without agriculture.

Contact us
– Thomas Edison
We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using nature's inexhaustible sources of energy – sun, wind and tide. I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.

Learn more?

We got you covered.

Image for Best Crops for Agrivoltaics: Growing Food & Harvesting Solar Energy

Best Crops for Agrivoltaics: Growing Food & Harvesting Solar Energy

From shade-tolerant vegetables and fruits to pollinator-friendly flowers, explore the best crops to grow under solar panels while harnessing clean energy for a sustainable future. Agrivoltaics offers an innovative way to make the most of your land, combining food production with renewable energy generation.

Image for The  Best Animals For Solar Grazing

The Best Animals For Solar Grazing

Goats, sheep or cattle? Choosing the right animals for solar grazing is crucial for land productivity. In this post, we’ll explore these options and their benefits for sustainable farming.

Image for The Benefits Of Solar Grazing vs. Solar Crop Production

The Benefits Of Solar Grazing vs. Solar Crop Production

Learn the benefits of each method—whether providing livestock forage or cultivating cash crops—and find the best fit for your operation.

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